Me and Chastity feeding the Titi monkey's (notice the baby on it's mother's back, click to see full size).
The last day of February. Wow time is flying with only 18 days left. This morning Chastity is still sick, and the rest of us head to the service group. There were only need greaters out in service this morning with a total of 7. Myself, Megan and Amanda go on some of our return visits. First we call on Scott, a man that Amanda talked to a few weeks ago. After ringing his doorbell, I notice up in the tree above us is a sloth, slowly climbing up the tree. After briefly talking to Scott(he had some guests and could talk) we get out our cameras and take more pictures. We can't seem to get enough of these interesting animals. Next, Megan was able to contact the lady she initially called on with Laurie that I wrote about in earlier in the blog. Megan was able to have a nice conversation with her, no Bible study yet, but we'll see. Next we head to my call, Luis, the young man who agreed to a study. I finally find him at home and this time he has the day off. He invites Amanda and I to sit out on his little front porch in the breeze and discuss the Bible. First we learn a little bit about his background. He grew up in Alajuela outside of San Jose and he remembers as a young child going to the Kingdom Hall occasionally with his next door neighbor. As he tells us a little bit about himself, we quickly realize that even at a young age (I think he's in his middle 20's) he has a real love for the Bible, a genuine interest in helping others, hates all the immoral and unjust things going on in the world, and seems to be a very meek and humble person. He prays every night to God. He had a lot of people abandon him, including many in his family. He explained that his landlord, a man from Lousiana who lost his house in Katrina, has done alot for him and that he's kind of a father figure to him. I read to him the scriptures at Ps. 145:16 and at 1 Pet. 5:7 to show him the kind of father Jehovah is. He agreed and said that God is the best father and friend you could have. After chatting for awhile and getting to know one another a little better we open with prayer and then cover the first part of the Bible Teach book. He LOVES it and wants to know more....."Tell me, what happens to us when we die?". I didn't want to deluge him with too much information so I told him I would read him one scripture, Eccl. 9:5, and that he could read ahead the 2 chapters in the book dealing with death on his own if he wanted. We close with prayer and afterwards agree to meet again next Tuesday and discuss chapter one. I can't wait to go back!
We get home, change, and head to the beach. Though still feeling rotten, Chastity decided to go also. She figured maybe the salty water would act like a neti pot (for those of you who are wondering what this is....well, look it up) and help her feel better. The waves were absolutely massive today, the biggest I've seen yet. Too big for an amatuer surfer like myself, I decided to stick to bodysurfing with the girls. Some of the Titi monkeys (they are the smaller ones that make a sound like a bird chirping) came down to the beach and everyone was feeding them. The mothers had their little baby's on their backs as they jumped from branch to branch. What a great day!