Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sat. Feb.14th

Pic: Our little friend,Peepers.

Saturday was our day off. We all went out to breakfast at the Anaconda restaurant. A great view of the ocean and a great breakfast. After that we all went to Ken and Kim Nelson’s to see their baby sloth. What a treat! Everyone got a chance to hold him. His name is Peepers. I pretty sure that was the highlight of everyones trip. It’s one thing to see a sloth sleeping in the trees here, it’s another to see one actually awake and climbing in the trees (they sleep 14 hrs. a day), it’s another to actually see one up close after crossing the road, and it’s a chance in a million (not sure of those statistics) to hold a baby sloth in your arms! How cool! Next we headed to the beach. Mark and I went to another beach and tried some snorkeling but the water was too rough and thus too cloudy. We saw a few fish, but it wasn’t very eventful. Back at Manuel Antonia beach we had some pretty good waves and just bodysurfed all day. We had dinner at Pizza de Marco near Stearns/Kotormans hotel. It was their second time to visit the restaurant, Donna’s favorite (not Marks). Gary and Donna was telling us how that they were sitting at the pool before coming to dinner when the owner came over to chat with them. They told him they were Jehovah’s Witnesses and he perked up and replied, “I knew it! I just knew by the way you all were always dressed and the attitude you showed that you must be Jehovah’s Witnesses!” Goes to show how even by our conduct, dress and grooming that we give a witness to Jehovah. After dinner it was off to the ice cream shop for our last ice cream together.


  1. that slow looks happy.
    our clothes are such a good witness....another good reason to shop! go girls

  2. i want him! (the sloth, that is) the most exotic animals i see here in florida are lizards and egrets. you all seem to be having so much fun and more importantly giving so much of yourself in the ministry, just like paul! i'm glad you are able to have this experience. oh and thanks for the post card chas! miss you all much. catch you later.

  3. wow, I like those animal...what is it call? VT JW, how is the weather? Here in VT its snowy and snowy! Enjoyed eat and talk with Victor Vigna at Northgate place. We miss you but glad you did good work in Costa Rica. See you soon, take care, Jehovah bless you.
